New Tails - Characters and worlds created by Heidi & Daniel Howarth

On this site we will be regularly posting news, images and maybe even stories
...from our imaginations and our hearts.

Have fun!

Thursday, March 04, 2010

For those that follow our exploits on Facebook, these images won't be new, but for those are just visiting our blog site, these images may be of interest.

Heidi and I are creating eight books for Gemser Publications, a wonderful family run business based in Spain. We have had the pleasure of meeting them a few times, at the various book fairs and hopefully we will be able to meet up again at the up and coming London Book Fair.

Anyway, we are concentrating on the first four books at the moment...stories about a little bear who has just as many adventures and questions as you or I.

The covers have been designed and two of those covers have been created as final artwork. Some of the interiors have also been designed and pencilled. Hope you like them!
After visiting a friends blog site...and seeing a link to ours...i realised it had been a very VERY long time since we had posted anything!

I could blame life and work...ok, I will...but actions speak louder than words, so consider us back!