New Tails - Characters and worlds created by Heidi & Daniel Howarth

On this site we will be regularly posting news, images and maybe even stories
...from our imaginations and our hearts.

Have fun!

Monday, January 17, 2005

Harper Collins

I have been approached by Harper Collins to produce a piece of spec work for a new project. I'm very excited about working for a new publisher and the project looks very challenging. Please keep an eye on this site to see image updates.

What a month!

Apologies to all those i am currently supplying work for this month. You try and space these things out...but like buses, they all decide to arrive at once. I can assure everyone that all the work will be done...even if not bang on deadline.

Please bare with me...or call Advocate and blame them.

Thank you!

Sunday, January 02, 2005

'Puffin Air' Image for Contact Annual 2005 Posted by Hello

cover image (scanned colour) Posted by Hello

Colour art and pencil sketches for Smallworld project 'Bertie Bunnies Big Adventure' Posted by Hello

Recent artwork for Fernleigh Books Ltd project entitled 'Somewhere to Sleep' Posted by Hello

Welcome to the Daniel Howarth Illustration website!

Hi Everyone

Decided to use the tried and trusted blog format for a new webpage. Finding the time to create one from scratch has become increasingly difficult...especially with a houseful to deal with!

Hopefully using this format, i can update pages more frequently...adding news about current and future projects and posting artwork.

So feel free to pop round anytime and catch up with me and my work...i'd also love the odd comment or two.

Here we go...